CNRS is recruiting a Deputy Scientific Director for the Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers, in charge of innovative instrumental developments for research and observation.

Job responsibilities

The management of the Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers is organized into an executive committee, made up of the Institute Director and the Deputy Directors (DA) in charge of thematic or cross-disciplinary areas. The Deputy Scientific Director (DA-S) is a member of INSU management. He/she sits on the Institute’s Executive Committee and makes a major contribution to the development of the Institute’s strategic project, and to its implementation.

The DA-S in charge of Innovative Instrumental Developments for Research and Observation (DAS DIIRO) at INSU plays a cross-functional role within the Institute, coordinating forward-looking thinking and the implementation of actions designed to support innovative instrumental development over the next decade. The DAS DIIRO works closely with the Deputy Technical Director (DAT) and is supported by a team of scientific delegates, the Commission Spécialisée Instrumentation Innovante et Transverse (CS IIT) and the Division Technique de l’INSU (DT-INSU).

  • Desired starting date: September 1, 2024.

How to apply

Applications should be addressed to Nicolas Arnaud, DI of INSU, and include :

a curriculum vitae, including a list of project responsibilities, administrative responsibilities (teams, GdR, UMR, scientific committees, specialized commissions, etc.), publications, achievements and patents,
a letter of motivation.

This application must be sent by e-mail no later than June 6, 2024 to the following address:

To find out more

Full job description