Specific action GPSmob – GNSS mobile park


Gradually built up from the mid-80s onwards, following the opening of the American GPS satellite positioning system to civilian applications, this unique park is accessible to any French scientist from any organization requesting it. Initially housed at the IPGP, it was transferred to the CNRS-Insu Technical Division in June 2007, in line with its national vocation.

Since then, the park has grown in terms of the number of instruments on offer and the support available for their use in the field. GPSmob has been accredited as an INSU National Instrumental Park (PIN) since 2022. The GPSmob Network is part of the GNSS Geodesy Thematic Group of Epos-France.

The GPSmob AS manages and provides field equipment covering all user needs, ensures that equipment meets user objectives and develops solutions for optimal use, and manages databases in terms of completeness and functionality.


GPSmob aims to support French scientific research using GNSS geodetic measurements in campaigns and projects, avoiding the need for researchers to acquire and maintain expensive equipment. It is used in many fields of the Earth sciences and beyond, but also for experimentation and university training purposes.

The themes covered by the GPSmob Park are: tectonics and seismotectonics in the short, medium and long term; post-seismic intervention in major crises; volcanology; landslides; hydrogeology; glaciology; meteorology; tide gauges; cartography for geography, archaeology and ethnology; metrology, reflectometry; testing, experimentation for space (CNES), methodology; university training.

In brief

  • Web site: gpsmob.epos-france.fr
  • Thematic group: Géodésie GNSS
  • Instrument: mobile
  • Supervisor and contact: Alexis Rigo, ENS Paris
  • Technical contact : Olivier Charade, CNRS-Insu (Division technique)
  • Participant partner: CNRS-Insu
  • Other participant : Ecce Terra