Epos-France Data : distribution policy
Epos-France data is distributed according to international standards and formats specific to each type of data. They are freely accessible under an Etalab or CC-BY 4.0 license. The obligation to cite concerns both the research infrastructure and the data distribution node, and takes the following form:
Citation rules
If you use Epos-France data in your research, you must always indicate this in the acknowledgements of the article(s) published as a result of your research. In addition, in the references, in the same way as you would cite an article, you must cite: the data, the portal providing the data and the Data Distribution Service* MUST INCLUDE THE DOI IF IT EXISTS.
*Distribution service: Webservice, API, command-line client and all the software architecture below, coupled or not with validation, verification and qualification of data and metadata.
Example 1
Article in French published following a seismicity study using data from the Rap (Réseau Accélérométrique Permanent – RA) and the Geoscope (G) global networks.
In the acknowledgements:
“The data used are provided by the Epos-France research infrastructure (www.epos-france.fr).”
In the body of the article and/or acknowledgements, following the general mention Epos-France:
“The networks at the origin of these data are the RA (Rap, Résif, 1995b) and G (Geoscope, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris -IPGP- and Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre de Strasbourg -Eost-, 1982) networks.”
In the list of references :
- Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) and Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre de Strasbourg (Eost) (1982). Geoscope, French Global Network of broad band seismic stations. Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP), University of Paris. Doi :18715/geoscope.g
- Epos-France (2023). RAP French Accelerometric Network. Epos-France. Doi :15778/resif.ra
Example 2
Article published following a study using GNSS data from the Orphéon network (Géodata diffusion)
In the acknowledgements:
“Data are provided by the Research Infrastructure Epos-France (www.epos-france.fr)”
In the body of the article and/or acknowledgements, following the general mention of Epos-France:
“The network from which this data originates is the Orphéon network. They were made available for scientific use under the Geodata-INSU-CNRS agreement and distributed by the Rénag data center.”
In the list of references:
- Epos-France (2023). RENAG French national Geodetic Network. Epos-France. doi.org/10.15778/RESIF.RG
- re3data.org (2022). Registry of Research Data Repositories (2022). RENAG-DC. Doi:10.17616/R31NJN5L
For further details and examples, please refer to our data distribution portals and services.
Data description and access
Epos-France Data DOIs (october 2023)
- DOI des réseaux sismologiques permanents et temporaires
- DOI des données GNSS Rénag : 10.15778/resif.rg
- DOI des données des campagnes GPSmob
- Données GNSS RGP : Pas de DOI à ce jour
- Données GNSS Regina : Pas de DOI à ce jour
- Données Gravimétriques : Pas de DOI à ce jour
DOI des Centres de distribution des données
- DOI du centre de données Rénag (Portail re3Data)
- DOI du centre de données IPGP (Portail re3Data)
- DOI du Bureau Gravimétrique International (BGI) :10.18168/BGI
A noter : il existe des outils pour trouver une référence à partir d’un DOI. Exemple : citation.crosscite.org