Epos-France organization


The organization of the Epos-France research infrastructure is set out in the consortium agreement signed by all partners on October 6, 2023. This organization is largely inspired by that of the Résif-Epos research infrastructure it succeeded.

Organigramme Epos-France Octobre 2023

Steering Committee

Made up of representatives of the organizations that signed the consortium agreement, the Steering Committee decides on the scientific and strategic orientations of Epos-France. In particular, it issues directives concerning the integration, definition, operation and coordination of transversal and specific Actions, and oversees the coherence between the activities of Epos-France and those of EPOS.

Chairman of the Steering Committee: Éric Beucler – OSUNA, Université de Nantes Atlantique

Organizations that signed the consortium agreement (Nov. 2023):


Logos des partenaires signataires de l'accord de consortium Epos-France - 2023 (présentés sur 2 lignes)

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board is a consultative body that guarantees the relevance and scientific quality of the Epos-France consortium’s activities. In particular, it issues a scientific opinion on the relevance of Epos-France’s actions, as well as proposals for the development of Epos-France and associated research programs.

Composition of the Scientific Advisory Board (under construction)

  • Corentin Caudron (Univ. libre de Bruxelles) – Volcano geophysics
  • Kristel Chanard (IPGP) – Geodesy, hydrology
  • Fabrice Cotton (GFZ, Potsdam) – Seismic Risk
  • Zacharie Duputel (EOST/IPGP) – Volcanic seismology
  • Lydie Gailler (OPGC) – Magnetism
  • Raphaël Grandin (IPGP) – Satellite imagery
  • Fabien Graveleau (Univ. Lille) – Geology, analytical modeling, tectonics
  • Dominique Lefèvre (OSU Pytheas) – Emso-France RI
  • Alexis Le Pichon (CEA) – Seismology, infrared sensors
  • Maria Ortuño (Univ. Barcelone) – Geology, tectonics
  • Laura Wallace (Géomar Kiel) – Seismology, seafloor geodesy

Executive Board

Headed by a Director, the Executive Board assists and advises the Director in implementing the scientific and technical strategy decided by the Board of Directors. It draws up the budget proposal, and proposals for the development of specific and cross-functional actions, and oversees cross-functional actions.

It is also responsible for interfacing with the research teams and ensuring the day-to-day running of the infrastructure.

Composition of the Executive Board

  • Director : Andrea Walpersdorf – ISTerre / OSUG, Université Grenoble Alpes
  • In charge of scientific foresight: Fabien Albino – ISTerre / OSUG and Jean Letort – IRAP / OMP
  • Internal communication officers : Clément Perrin – Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géosciences/ Osuna, Nantes Université et Blandine Gardonio – ISTerre / OSUG

Permanent guests :

  • Project Manager: Ana Tempass de Sousa – Osug Grenoble
  • Communication and promotion manager: Véronique Bertrand – Eost Strasbourg
  • Coordination with EPOs manager: Karin Sigloch – OCA Sophia-Antipolis
  • Coordination with EPOs member: Benoît Derode, Eost Strasbourg

Transversal actions

The activities of Epos-France’s Transversal actions concern all the Thematic groups, Specific actions and Thematic transversal actions. There are two of them:

  • Transverse action coordination of french participation in EPOS
  • Transverse action communication and promotion (Comval)


  • AT Coordination / Transversal action Coordination of French participation in EPOS
  • AT Comval / Transversal action Communication and promotion

Thematic Groups

In line with the EPOS Thematic Core Services (TCS) at European level, the Epos-France research infrastructure is organized into Thematic groups (TG). A TG is a group of specific and transversal Actions that contribute directly or indirectly to an EPOS TCS.

When a theme does not yet exist at European level, a TG can be created to structure and organize the community at national level and promote it at European level.


  • Seismology TG
  • Geodesy GNSS TG
  • Gravimetry TG

Specific actions

Specific actions include permanent networks and mobile instrument parks.


  • SA RLBP / Specific action Permanent broadband network
  • SA Rap / Specific action Permanent accelerometric network
  • SA Sismob / Specific action Mobile seismological park
  • SA-SMM / Specific action Mobile marine seismology
  • SA Rénag / Specific action Permanent national GNSS network
  • SA RGP / Specific action IGN permanent GNSS network
  • SA GPSmob / Specific action GNSS mobile park

Transversal thematic actions

In addition to the Specific actions corresponding, in particular, to instrumental networks and parks, there may be Transversal thematic actions (TTAs) within TGs, which concern several of the TG’s Specific actions. These include, in particular, actions relating to information systems, which process the data collected by the instruments of the whole TG. There are also TTAs with broader objectives, such as the Transverse thematic action Seismicity, which coordinates discussions on seismicity in France within the TG Seismology of Epos-France.



  • TTA SI-S / Transversal thematic action Seismological information system
  • TTAS / Transversal thematic action Seismicity
  • TTA SI-GNSS / Transversal thematic action GNSS information system

Integration process for new Actions

The integration of any Action into Epos-France is subject to 3 main stages:

  1. Present an expression of interest to the Executive Board, explaining the Action’s scientific objectives and how it will operate, and submit this to the Scientific Advisory Board.
  2. If the Scientific Advisory Board and the Executive Board give a favorable opinion, a more detailed file explaining the technical, scientific and organizational functioning of the new Action is drawn up and submitted to the Executive Board.
  3. As soon as the Executive Board considers the dossier to be complete, the dossier and the Scientific Advisory board’s opinion are submitted to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee issues an opinion and comments, which are taken into account before the Steering Committee votes on the integration of the new Action.