TCS Volcanology
The data, products and services relating to volcanological observations are integrated into the activities of the Service National d’Observation en Volcanologie (SNOV) and are distributed via the data centres of the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP) and the French volcanological and seismological observatories on the one hand, and the Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont (OPGC) on the other. They are also distributed within the IR EPOS, as part of the Thematic Core Service ‘Volcano Observation’ (VOLC-TCS).
SNOV’s mission is to guide the science, collection, archiving and distribution of geophysical, geological and geochemical data, characteristic of the processes that govern the functioning and evolution of volcanoes and their tectonic context. These data are distributed, largely in real time, to the national and international scientific community to feed fundamental research work and build models of how volcanoes and their tectonic context (subduction, hot spot) work. These missions are helping to increase knowledge, improve the ability to diagnose telluric activity and its evolution, inform the authorities and disseminate scientific knowledge. Data is mainly provided by regional and local observation networks under the responsibility of the IPGP’s three Volcanological and Seismological Observatories (OVS) in Guadeloupe (OVSG), Martinique (OVSM) and Réunion (OVPF), and by the observation services of the OPGC, which manages various volcanic observation activities.
Data and products from surveillance networks
These data and products come from volcanological and seismological observatories (OVPF-OVSG-OVSM-IPGP).
All the data from the instrumental networks of the French volcanological observatories can be accessed via the IPGP data centre.
- seismograms
- inclinometry data
- tide gauge
- Volcanic activity reports
Remote sensing data and products
Application to volcanological monitoring and observation by two accredited OPGC platforms:
- Ash and SO2 plumes; thermal anomalies linked to lava flows (HOTVOLC)
- Volcanological Doppler radar spectra and source parameters of explosive eruptions (VOLDORAD)
The data and metadata from these two platforms are linked to EPOS via the OPGC Data Centre (CD-OGC) and directly accessible via the HOTVOLC and VOLDORAD interfaces.
In addition, the OPGC has also structured other observation actions such as :
remote gas detection and in-situ gas measurements,
- a multi-parameter database of volcano dynamics,
- heat balance and determination of heat flows
- geophysical imaging, among several other structured actions (modelling, deformation, instrumental developments (e.g. drones) carried out with the OPGC’s Technical Division).
The databases can be accessed via the OPGC Data Centre interface.
To know more
Contact : Philippe Labazuy, OPGC – philippe.labazuy [at]