Epos-France products
Here is a sample of the products developed as part of the Résif research infrastructure, then Epos-France. Other products made available to the community within the framework of Epos-France can be found on the websites of the Specific Actions and, above all, the Thematic Transversal Actions.
GNSS products
GNSS Rénag operational temporal series
Operational solution for the stations of the Rénag-Rénag network (automatic solution not scientifically validated). Calculation started in 2000. Double difference processing is performed with Gamit software (Herring et al., 2010), referencing (ITRF08) and automatic post-processing with PYACS software (J.-M. Nocquet, Geoazur).
- Raw (without post-processing),
- Detrended (trend subtracted),
- Offsets removed (offsets due to material changes and trend subtracted).
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ISTerre-Europe GNSS solution
The solution includes nearly 1500 stations spread across Europe and uses stations belonging to the EPN, Résif-Rénag, RGP, Orpheon, Ring, Noa and Smartnet networks. It includes data collected over an 18-year period (2000-2017). The GNSS data are processed in double difference with the Gamit/Globk software (Herring et al., 2010) and the velocity field is computed with the Midas software (Blewitt at al., 2016).
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Other GNSS products
GNSS data from the Résif-Rénag network are disseminated and promoted through scientific publications and also through calculation products. These products can be derived from position calculations (time series, velocity maps, deformation maps…), tropospheric and ionospheric parameters, etc.
- Rénag Rhine Ditch Solution (Eost)
- Speeds of permanent GPS sites in France (Oreme)
- Northern Alps Time series (Osug)
- Time series and speed maps, ULR5 GPS solution (Sonel)
- Calculation products, positions, troposphere, ionosphere (RGP)
Access to list of solutions
Seismicity of France
As part of the seismicity transversal action, Résif produces a Seismic Events Bulletin, a Seismicity Catalogue, and event-related Shakemaps.
- The bulletin contains, for each seismic event, all the information (hypocentres, phase arrival time, magnitude, etc.) resulting from the analysis of data acquired by the Résif seismological networks and other French or foreign networks > https://renass.unistra.fr/
- The catalogue contains, for each event of the multi-origin bulletin, the solution deemed the most relevant. It is limited to the location parameters (time of origin, latitude, longitude, depth), magnitude and associated uncertainties. 1962-2021 catalog.
- A ‘ShakeMap’ is a mapping of the shaking during an earthquake. This mapping is based on numerical modelling.
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Global Seismicity
The GEOSCOPE Observatory, created in 1982, consists of a network of 35 seismological stations in 18 countries and a data centre located at the Institut de Physique du Globe in Paris which manages and distributes the data. The GEOSCOPE observatory provides the scientific community with the characteristics and data of earthquakes of magnitudes greater than 5.5-6, or of particular interest: earthquakes located in France or in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
The Geoscope Observatory distributes seismicity catalogues based on data from the Geoscope network. These catalogues are available by year from 2006 onwards.
Access the catalogues
Some Epos-France products are registered with the EasyData national reference repository for Earth and environmental data.