Rénag data
Rénag network data is public and free, distributed under CC-BY 4.0 license. They are accessible to all users in the form of daily observation files in standard Rinex compressed exchange format (Rinex 2 or Rinex 3). Data and metadata are discoverable and downloadable via a web interface. Data are made available on two ftp services: one for daily data acquired at a frequency of 30s (30s/24h) and one for hourly data acquired at high frequency (1s/1h).
Since the first half of 2021, 26 Rénag stations have been broadcasting their data in real time via an Ntrip server. To access the data stream, connection is free and subject to identification. RTK broadcasting by Rénag stations is an experimental service offered without any guarantee of continuous data availability.
Data from the Geodata/Orpheon private network are also distributed by the Rénag data center. They are conditionally accessible for scientific applications. Contact the Rénag and Rénag data center managers for more information.
Rénag also makes available online :
- a static speed solution:
- station position time series (updated to D-25):
- a time series visualization and analysis service using SARI software:
More information
- Time series Rénag stations
- Velocity Rénag stations
- SARI : interactive time series processing
- Double-difference processing of GNSS data (ISTerre)
- EPOS-GNSS data
- EPOS-GNSS products
- Daily data – ftp
- Weekly data – ftp
Data from the RGP network
Data from the permanent GNSS network of Résif partner Institut de l’Information Géographique et Forestière (Réseau RGP) are also integrated into Résif datasets and made available online.
Data are repatriated to two data centers. After a standard quality check, the data are made available to the public on the dedicated website and via an FTP server and its mirror server.
Data is supplied in the standard Rinex 2 exchange format, and contains at least GPS and Glonass constellation observations, and Galileo observations for some stations.
All daily data recorded since the creation of the RGP in 1997, as well as hourly data, are available online.
IGN also makes available online :
- a GPS data processing service
- a PPP calculation service for GPS observations in RINEX format.
To find out more
- Information on RGP data.
- Instrumental network map
Regina network data
Regina provides delayed-time RINEX data (TD) and real-time NTRIP data (TR).
Restrictions on access to TR data: access to streams is subject to conditions. Requests should be sent to CNES via an online form.
To find out more
GPSMob data
Data from the national GPS mobile network are archived and freely available to the scientific community and the public on the GPSmob web portal. Restricted access may be granted at the request of the campaign manager for a maximum period of 10 years. GPSMob data are managed via a database containing to date almost 500 campaigns carried out over the last 30 years on all continents.