
Registration for the 11th Biennale du RAP is now open!

Registration for the 11th Biennale du RAP is now open!

The Journées techniques et scientifiques du Réseau Accélérométrique Permanent (RAP) are organized every two years to enable the Epos-France community – researchers and students, technicians and engineers – to get together and discuss the theme of seismic...
EPOS Data portal training, 22nd May 2024

EPOS Data portal training, 22nd May 2024

The EPOS Data Portal is a virtual platform providing access to data and products from over 260 scientific data services across Europe, including Epos-France data. The EPOS team is organizing a short interactive training webinar to introduce the portal and make data...

7th edition of the MDIS symposium

The 7th edition of the MDIS “Measurement of Earth surface Deformations” symposium will be held from November 19 to 22, 2024, in Orléans. The symposium will address approaches for measuring land surface deformations using spaceborne imagery as well as...