Graphic guidelines and communication tools of Epos-France
The name of the infrastructure is Epos-France: only the first letters are capitalized.
The European IR is spelled EPOS in capitals.
Epos-France logo
Use of the Epos-France logo is free, provided you inform the Epos-France communications team via the site’s contact form.
You can download the png and svg versions below. For any other format, please contact us.
Epos-France Logo (svg)
Epos-France Logo (555 x 145 – png)
Epos-France fonts
- Lato for printed documents
- Open sans for websites and other online uses
- If not available, calibri.
Epos-France colors
- Yellow : Pantone 124 / Hexa : #E08000 / RVB : 224 V:128 B:0 / CMJN : 0 43 100 12
- Green : Pantone 560 / Hexa : #14440F / RVB :20 V:68 B:15 / CMJN : 80 33 85 60