Transversal Action Comval – Communication and promotion

Scope and objectives

The mission of Epos-France (and EPOS at European level) is to advance our knowledge of the Earth system in all its diversity and complexity. The infrastructure is also at the heart of major societal issues, such as resource management (subsoil, water, etc.), problems associated with induced seismicity, telluric hazards (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, etc.) and natural hazards multiplied by climate change and urbanization.

Epos-France’s Action Transverse Communication et Valorisation (AT Comval) supports the missions of the Research Infrastructure, accompanies its development and contributes to its image and visibility. It promotes the Infrastructure, its activities, players and data. It also contributes to disseminating knowledge in all the scientific fields within its scope to a very wide audience.

On a day-to-day basis, the Action participates in the activities of the Executive Board and organizes collective reflection on issues of communication and promotion within the Infrastructure. In line with Epos-France’s objectives and priorities, Comval draws up a multi-year strategy, defining its operational objectives in a communication plan approved by the Infrastructure Management Committee.

The Action then coordinates the implementation of the plan’s actions, such as :

  • design, production and editorial management of websites designed to publicize the infrastructure and its activities, and to disseminate knowledge;
  • creation of multimedia and printed communication tools (such as the newsletter) aimed at a variety of audiences;
  • organization of and participation in events, in particular the Epos-France biennial meetings;
  • scientific and institutional watch;
  • animating and informing the community, notably through a network of correspondents and the distribution of a monthly newsletter;
  • creation and management of the IR bibliography;
  • collaboration in the development and management of the EasyData national thematic warehouse of Earth and Environment system data;
  • etc.

In brief

  • Responsable and contact : Véronique Bertrand, Eost
  • Participating partner : CNRS-Insu
  • Other participants : Eost, OPGC, Osug, Osuna, Osur