EPOS integrated services

EPOS integrated services are based on numerous services distributed throughout Europe and organized into 9 scientific Thematic Services: Seismology, Near Fault Observatories, GNSS Data and Products, Volcano Observations, Satellite Data, Geomagnetic Observations, Anthropogenic Hazards, Geological Information and Modeling, and Multiscale Laboratories. Each thematic service has its own international standards and/or traditions concerning data format, metadata and services. Seamless user access via EPOS integrated services has therefore necessitated the development of an intermediate technical layer that translates each of the services and formats into a homogeneous form of access for scientists. In addition, the thematic services operate mono-disciplinary portals with specific functionalities for their theme. The consortia of thematic services form the framework for disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration at national and European level, and remain open to the integration of new members.

By 2023, France was contributing to all the thematic services and hosting some of the integrated services. The diversity and wealth of data acquired by the Epos-France observation infrastructure is a major asset for this involvement at European level, coordinated within the Transverse Action Coordination of French participation in EPOS.

To know more

EPOS delivery Framework

Organization of the EPOS e-infrastructure and the role of Integrated Core Services (ICS).