TCS for Anthropogenic Hazards

Pictogramme du TCS aléas anthropiques

TCS Aléa anthropiques has a working platform called Episodes. This platform is designed to provide assistance in the analysis of anthropogenic seismicity and related risks, as well as the assessment of the potential environmental impact of georesource exploitation. The basic data is organized into episodes. Episodes are a set of geophysical, technological or other relevant geodata, correlated in time, that establishes a link between anthropogenic seismicity and its industrial cause. In other words, an episode is a set of data linked to a common industrial process and intended to be analyzed together to better understand that process, its environment and its consequences. Episode data can also be used separately to compare different processes and create analysis and forecasting tools.

French data associated with EPOS from geothermal sites in Alsace (Soultz-sous-Forêts, Rittershoffen, Vendenheim) are available from the Centre de données de géothermie profonde (CDGP).

Know more

Contact : Jean Schmittbuhl, Eost / Ites Strasbourg / Jean.Schmittbuhl [at]