TCS Geological information and models

Pictogramme du TCS Informations et modèles géologiques

TCS Geological Information and Models provides a repository of observational data (boreholes, geological maps) and geological models available from national geological surveys and European research organizations.

The aim is to :

  • share the data usually produced by partners, using international geoscientific interoperability standards (ISO, OGC, W3C, INSPIRE, IUGS/CGI),
  • create an infrastructure for exchanging and updating data from the various TCS data providers Geological information and models,
    participate in the development of new models for exchanging borehole data (BoreholeView) or 3D geological models (ModelView).

Drilling data

For France (mainland, overseas departments and territories), these data come from the Banque de données du sous-sol (BSS), which can be consulted on the French geosciences portal InfoTerre. This is one of the regalian missions of BRGM, the French National Geological Survey.

Geological maps

Initially, the geology of France was disseminated via the 1:5,000,000 Geological Synthesis of Continental Europe map, also available on OneGeology. The geology of France is now available on the EPOS portal at a scale of 1:1,000,000. In future, the catalog of maps distributed on the European platform will be extended to the 1/50,000 scale. BRGM’s InfoTerre cartographic portal already offers all these maps for consultation and download as raw and harmonized data, in image and vector form.

Mineral resources

The French primary mineral resources data available on the EPOS portal are France’s contribution to the European inventory of deposits and mines (historical and active) available on the EuroGeoSurveys (EGDI) geoscientific data portal. For France, they are maintained by BRGM and published on Minéralinfo, the French portal for non-energy mineral resources.

3D geological models

The metadata of a French 3D geological model can be consulted on the EPOS data distribution platform: regional geological model of the Vosges massif and Rhine Graben.

Produced by the French National Geological Survey, BRGM, it is documented in reports that can be consulted on InfoTerre. In 2024, other models will be added to this list to illustrate different geological contexts at various scales, in order to address a number of issues relating to the development and preservation of the subsoil.

To know more

Contact : Marc Urvois, BRGM / m.urvois [at]