Software and tools developed for RI requirements

Here is a sample of the software and tools developed by the community to meet the instrumental and observational data management challenges of the Résif-Epos research infrastructure (RI) until 2023, now Epos-France.


The management of the French seismological instrument park (RLBP, RaP), with several hundred instruments (sensors, digitizers, modem, supervision equipment…) required the implementation of a database management tool, Gissmo.

Gissmo can be used to describe (using photos, location and technical information, etc.) the RLBP and Rap measurement points operated by the observatories and to trace the various instruments that equip these stations. Gissmo also helps generate the metadata associated with measurement points (instrumental responses, date of operation and details of interventions).

The development of this tool was mainly carried out by the Eost teams in Strasbourg, in connection with the instrumental seismological platform.


Hélène Jund, Eost – helene.jund[at]

Instrumental seismological platform

These tools were designed and are managed by teams from Eost in Strasbourg (in conjunction with the Gissmo software) and ISTerre in Grenoble. They are metrological tools that allow to check, test, calibrate and even repair various scientific and technical equipment usually installed at the stations: seismometers, digitizers, industrial PCs, supervision cabinets, cables… Based on different test benches and standardized procedures, these two platforms are adapted to manage large batches of instruments. They serve in particular as a national platform for RLBP (Résif-CLB project) and SisMob.

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  • Strasbourg : Maxime Bes-de-Berc, Eost – maxime.besdeberc[at]
  • Grenoble : Coralie Aubert – coralie.aubert[at]


Sari (Señales y Analisis de Ruido Interactivo) is an interactive time series processing software allowing users to display data in a web browser, to remove discontinuities and outliers, to detect periodic signals, to adjust different types of models and to save the results. The implemented features include: least squares, Kalman filter, Vondrak smoothing, maximum likelihood, power spectrum, wavelets, MIDAS, etc. The tool has been designed to process GNSS position series (reading log files), but any other type of series can be used: seismic, tide gauge, reflectometry, etc.

En savoir plus

SARI : a new online tool for interactive time series processing


Alvaro Santamaria, OMP – alvaro.santamaria [at]


Synapse is a web interface that presents the status of the stations’ equipment according to values acquired and processed by the supervision engine. Both were implemented at the request of the operators involved to respond to their requirement for for a tool to enrich fault diagnostics, reduce the number of on-site interventions and increase efficiency. The status of the stations is represented in real-time by a color code and can be displayed in the form of a table, matrix and map. For each station, a page allows access to more details and to trace the variations of the values relative to its equipment or extracted from its data stream.

Synapse is completed by an optional email alert system.

The whole project was developed by the Geoazur Seismology Observatory / OCA, with integration of plugins written by OSUs members of Résif.


Jérôme Chèze, GéoAzur – synapse[at]


After the progressive abandonment of the SEED (Standard for Exchange of Earthquake Data) format on decision of the FDSN (Federation of Digital Seismic Networks), IRIS had realized in 2018 a first version of Yasmine (Yet Another Station Metadata INformation Editor,) a specific tool producing natively stationXML,. The Résif Information System took on the development of a second version to add many features, including support for the atomic instrument libraries maintained for many years within Résif A-nodes.

The beta release of Yasmine was announced in mid-June 2022. Yasmine is a set of two independent Python-based applications:

  • a graphical user interface (GUI) designed to facilitate the creation and editing of geophysical station metadata in FDSN StationXML format
  • a command line interface (CLI) designed to facilitate batch editing of existing StationXML files.

Access Yasmine

Instrument Maintenance Management (GMI)

GMI is a centralized web application capable of managing all types of instruments. Each laboratory, department or project has its own space to manage its equipment. Each area can be totally or only partially private, and has its own personalized graphic charter. The system is both generic enough to accommodate all kinds of instruments, but also allows for “tailor-made” functionality and/or displays.

GMI uses a PostgreSQL database, a PHP (REST API) backend (the part of the software that produces the results of database queries) and a frontend (the set of elements visible on the website) that uses the VueJS javascript framework.

The application is hosted on the IT infrastructure of the CNRS INSU Technical Division site at La Seyne, and managed by the OSU Pythéas IT Department. This application is open to any INSU-related laboratory or project on request.

To know more