The launch ceremony for the new Research Infrastructure (RI) European Plate Observing System France (Epos-France) will take place on November 8, during the 1st Rencontres Epos-France (REF23).

Epos-France is a national RI that is part of the roadmap for research infrastructures published by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR). Its aim is to advance our knowledge of the Earth’s complex, dynamic system. A large proportion of French research on the solid Earth will gradually join the Epos-France IR, which represents French participation in EPOS, the European IR whose mission is to integrate national and transnational IRs responsible for observing and understanding our planet.

Epos-France is the successor to Résif, the French seismological and geodesic network, which since 2011 has deployed modern instrumentation to measure deformations of the earth’s surface and initiated cross-disciplinary research.

Signatories of the Epos-France consortium agreement: CNRS, BRGM, CEA, Cerema, CNES, Ifremer, IGN, IPGP, IRD, IRSN, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Nantes Université, Univ. Clermont-Auvergne, Univ. Côte d’Azur, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, Univ. Gustave Eiffel, Univ. Montpellier, Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse III  et Univ. de Strasbourg.

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Shéma d'organisation de l'IR Epos-France à son lancement, le 8 novembre 2023