The 4th Junior Professorship campaign (CPJ) is currently being organized. During the 2023 campaign, the competition for the “SeisObs” Junior Professorship in the Solid Earth field at Insu-CNRS was unsuccessful. This Chair has been renewed for the 2024 campaign.

Full title: Seismological observations to understand the physico-chemical processes controlling the dynamics of the Solid Earth.

The official call for applications will be launched at the end of the year at the earliest, following publication of the decree opening the CPJ 2024. It will set out the precise timetable for the various stages, as well as the procedures for submitting applications and auditioning candidates. We invite you to circulate this information widely, so as to attract as many candidates as possible to this position of great scientific and strategic importance for the Earth sciences at national level.

The presentation of the CPJ “SeisObs”, the framework in which the profile fits in relation to the Insu-CNRS national strategy, and the expected research and teaching objectives are summarized in the attached document.

Reminder: registration on a qualification list is not required to apply for a CPJ call. The SeisObs position has a fixed duration of 4 years. Specific funding of 200 k€ is provided to the SeisObs Chair in addition to the salary. These funds will be used to finance the salaries of project collaborators (for a minimum of 60%) and the running of the research project. The project will also benefit from the financial support of ongoing ANR projects in seismology, the European Geo-Inquire project and the PEPR Sous-sol and/or Irima.

Contact : France Lagroix (france.lagroix [at]

To know more

Information about SeisObs tenure-track position 2024