The fourth online seminar within Geo-INQUIRE will be about “EPOS GNSS within Geo-INQUIRE” on Thursday 30 November 2023 at 10-11am CET (GMT+1). Agenda:

  • 10:00 am – Scientific talk will be held by Anne Socquet (Université Grenoble Alpes): “3D GNSS Velocity Field and strain rates in Europe, and link with the seismic potential”
  • 10:20 am – Technical talk will be held by Carine Bruyninx (Royal Observatory of Belgium):  “EPOS’ progress towards making quality-controlled (meta)data discoverable from thousands of GNSS stations”
  • 10:40 am – Question & Answer session and discussion

The zoom link will be distributed the day before via this Geo-INQUIRE mailing list.

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In addition, please take a look at our past three online seminars and four training activities on the website :

For most online events, you can also find the presentation material online.

Logo projet Geo-INQUIRE - Geosphere INfrastructures for QUestions into Integrated REsearch