The new Lettre du RAP n°36 is online!


The BRGM team announces the birth of the RAP BRMZ station in Mayotte, which replaces the now famous YTMZ, which was indeed the only real-time, continuous seismological station installed in Mayotte when the seismo-volcanic crisis began in May 2018.

The RAP Grenoble team presents its building noise model and the performance of the CHB network (seismological antenna at Grenoble City Hall) for recording earthquakes.

Need to learn more about seismology and earthquake engineering? The MOOC “From seismology to earthquake engineering” (Coursera) is for you! This online course has been available for several months on the Coursera platform. This free course covers everything from the structure of the Earth, the generation of earthquakes and the radiation of seismic waves by faults, the seismic response of soils, foundations and structures to earthquake risk.


RAP Newsletter n°36 (french only)

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