Since May 1, 2023, public data from the database of GNSS campaigns carried out with the instruments of the GPSMob mobile park have a DOI, 365 campaigns to date.

From now on, the download of the data will be done through a landing page with the information about the campaign, i.e. DOI, authors, location, measurement period and number of measured points. The access to the data is unchanged and is done through the page of the Résif GPSMob web site.

The creation of DOIs, the setting up of metadata pages and the distribution of data are done thanks to the support and the strong implication of the Oreme Observatory of Montpellier and to the update of the procedure of control of the data after their deposit on the site by the Technical Division of the INSU. The procedure of deposit remaining unchanged

Exemple de landing page pour des données GNSS acquises avec les instruments GPSMob

Landing page of GNSS data acquired with GPSMob instruments during the 2021 measurement campaign in the Briançonnais (Learn more about this campaign – french only).