A new Action Spécifique Gravimétrie, grouping together the previous Gravimétrie Mobile and Gravimétrie Permanente actions, was created in 2022 with the aim of managing all the activities in the field within a single office.

This new Action Spécifique is the result of an important work of inventory, reflection, consultation and decision that has mobilized the community for a year, under the leadership of Sébastien Merlet, the new action manager. The action is based on the gravimetry instrumental park, which offers scientific teams a set of measurement resources and services for studies of the gravity field, and is based on the following three issues: i) Temporal monitoring; ii) Metrology; and iii) Referential & Imaging.

In addition to its consequences on the organisation within Résif, this (re)structuring also allows the process of (re)labelling the park as a Parc d’Instruments National  (PIN) to be initiated with the INSU.

The General Assembly is scheduled every year in April. The date and place of the 2023 Assembly will be announced soon so that as many colleagues as possible can participate. This second General Assembly will be an opportunity to make a first assessment of the reorganisation.

The page dedicated to the action on the Résif website will be put online soon and will replace the two pages of the previous actions, then a website dedicated to the action will be finalized and also put online.

Contact : Sébastien Merlet (sebastien.merlet@obspm.fr)

Update 07 December 2022 : the new page “Specific action gravimetry” is online.

Gravimètre absolu quantique Muquans AQG sur le site d'observation du Larzac

Muquans AQG absolute quantum gravimeter at the Larzac observation site © Véronique Bertrand, EOST/Résif