The RAP is organizing a virtual half-day of exchanges for RAP station operators.
This half-day will take place on Thursday, May 20, 2021, starting at 1:30 pm (CET), on the BBB video system.

Preliminary program (under construction):

  • presentation by Fabrice Hollender (feedback on the questionnaire on the installation conditions of accelerometric sensors, information point on the activities of the RAP working groups for operators)
  • presentation of the fleet/site management tools (GISSMO, GLPI, …)
  • point on the procedures for integrating stations into the RAP, the different statuses (RAP-National, RAP-Associated), new tools for generating metadata in stationXML format
  • other presentations according to participants’ proposals (in progress, contact and

This system being limited to 100 people maximum, registration is mandatory:

Logo Réseau accélérométrique permanent français (Résif-Rap)