Orfeus (Observatories & Research Facilities for European Seismology),  organise ce printemps 4 webinaires sur la thématique sismologie : trois webinaires portant sur les mouvements forts et séismes, et un sur les services Eida pour trouver et obtenir les données sismologiques brutes.

Le lien de zoom sera envoyé aux participants inscrits peu avant l’événement.

1 – Overview of ORFEUS Strong-Motion Services and How to Use Them – 6 March, 10AM-11:15AM

This webinar will provide an up-to-date overview of the status of the strong-motion services promoted by ORFEUS and demonstrate how to access and use them.

Presenter: Carlo Cauzzi on behalf of the EIDA SMC.

The registration will close as soon as the maximum capacity of 300 participants is reached, and in any case one week before the event at the latest. Register

2 – New ESM webservices: use of “event-data” and “flatfile” – 25 March, 10AM-11:15AM (Zürich/Rome time zone)

This webinar will present two recent additions to the portfolio of strong-motion services promoted by Orfeus – namely “event-data” and “flatfile” – and demonstrate how to access and use them.

Presenter: Emiliano Russo on behalf of the Orfeus Strong-Motion SMC.

The registration will close as soon as the maximum capacity of 300 participants is reached, and in any case one week before the event at the latest. Register

3 – Overview of Orfeus Eida Services and How to Use Them – 4 April, 10AM-11:15AM (Zürich time zone)

This webinar will provide an up-to-date overview of the status of the Eida services promoted by Orfeus and demonstrate how to access and use them

Presenter: Carlo Cauzzi on behalf of the Eida SMC.

The registration will close as soon as the maximum capacity of 300 participants is reached, and in any case one week before the event at the latest. Register

4 – FinDer use cases based on open Euro-Mediterranean strong-motion data – 14 May, 10AM-11:15AM (Zürich time zone)

This science webinar will present use cases on the potential of EEW including rapid finite-fault characterisation, based on open strong-motion data collected in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Presenter: Maren Böse (SED-ETH Zürich).

The registration will close as soon as the maximum capacity of 300 participants is reached, and in any case one week before the event at the latest. Register

En savoir plus

  • Orfeus est une fondation à but non lucratif qui coordonne et promeut la sismologie numérique à large bande dans la zone euro-méditerranéenne. Les services Orfeus sont intégrés dans le portail de données EPOS. Site web Orfeus
  • Eida est l’infrastructure européenne d’archives de données intégrées au sein d’Orfeus pour fournir un accès aux données de formes d’ondes sismiques dans les archives européennes.


European plate observing system - Epos